We all woke to the smell of bacon and eggs, and the sound of the smoke alarm. Both a courtesy of Maureen. She woke up early, made the team breakfast, which included some vegan “breakfast meat” which we think may be made of recycled paper which explains their ability to catch fire and trigger the fire alarm. There was a special birthday plate set aside for me with bacon and Ensure, my two favorite forms of pre-ride nutrition. The team sang happy birthday while eating breakfast and scrambling around. We had to pack everything into the Quadyssey and Jimmy’s truck since today we were leaving our cozy Airbnb in Ferndale and move all the gear to Garberville for the night. I’m always amazed at what looks like chaos somehow manages to get everything we need (which is a lot) into two vehicles. I remember Dr. B’s lecture on entropy well, and always think of it when I see our crap spread all over the place.
We love Nelson-Boyd!
Our sponsor of the day was Nelson-Boyd Attorneys. Deborah Nelson and Jeff Boyd are spectacular people and a highly-regarded legal duo. These two have supported Ian’s Ride since 2016 at the very start, and the non-profit would not exist without their expertise and friendship.
Gorgeous lighting on the Avenue of the Giants
Once we had the van and truck packed we drove to Scotia, where yesterday’s ride ended. Our starting point was just outside a lumber yard with logging trucks coming and going. My experience has been that cyclists and logging trucks don’t always see eye to eye on road etiquette, so we were pleasantly surprised with all the smiles and waves we received as we got myself and the bikes prepared for the road.While we were finishing getting the bikes prepped we all heard the distinct sounds of a fire hydrant. The source of the noise will forever remain a mystery. The time to get on the road was here, so I gave the team their pre-ride pep talk. I could see the inspiration on their faces and knew we were in for a great day. We got on Highway 101 heading south for a few miles before getting off at the Avenue of the Giants.
Birthday Full Moon
There was an immediate relief from the noise of the highway. One of the most unsettling issues for me (and my team) is the speed at which most cars travel on the highway, and how fast they come upon us when they’re moving at over 70 miles per hour. The team does everything they can to make sure cars and trucks see me, but it is stressful for all of us. The Avenue of the Giants eliminated a lot of these concerns. It is far too beautiful driving among the redwoods for cars not to slow down and enjoy these majestic trees. The same was true for us. Within a few minutes we were all looking up at the trees, and we took our first of many stops to get off the road and take a closer look at these wonders. Much like I felt at home among the hippies in Arcata, I feel at home among the redwoods. I have enough twigs and leaves in my dreads some might say I’m part tree. Jimmy and Dr. B tried their best to ruin the serenity of the moment by pulling their pants down and riding right in front of me. Here I am in one of the most beautiful places in the world and two of my closest “friends” are ruining the view. I’ve been told sometimes I don’t see the forest for the trees, but this was a case of not being able to see the trees with two giant bright white butts blinding me. Never have I longed more to have a turbo switch installed on my chair so I could fly past them and leave these images behind.
Some of the trees were accessible!
Eventually Jimmy and Dr. B pulled their pants up and I regained my focus and appreciation for the surroundings. A few miles in we were told by some locals the Avenue of the Giants would continue for another 30 miles. I knew if I could convince Jimmy and Dr. B to keep their clothes on we would all have the best day of the trip so far. Along with the wonderful views, the next 30 miles seemed warmer and quieter than what we’ve experienced since leaving Brookings. We had time to talk with each other, which makes everything better. I was able to spend quality time with Celina. I even found myself wanting to take some breaks and explore some of the groves. As usual we had a schedule to keep, but we were in a far too beautiful an area to miss certain things.
Lunchtime shenanigans
A little more than half way through the Avenue of the Jimmys we stopped for lunch in a clearing where we all soaked up the sun. While relaxing and talking about how beautiful the day had been so far two guys stopped and wanted to know what Ian’s Ride was all about. They had seen us earlier on the road and really just wanted to give us their support and let us know they thought what we were doing was pretty cool. Overall, these types of interactions are something that has been lacking this year due to the Covid world we currently live in. I do miss meeting people along the way. Meeting people and getting my message out is one of my favorite parts of these rides.
Really having to focus on staying on the shoulder.
With the team warm and fed we got back on the road and enjoyed every inch of the Avenue of the Giants before heading back onto Highway 101 for the last few miles. Up to this point today’s riding had been the easiest of the entire trip, but we knew it was time to put our game faces on and focus. I told Dr. B and Jimmy to keep their pants on and keep me safe. Dr. B was hanging back waving his now famous noodle trying hella hard to intimidate semis and RVers. Jimmy was in front of me kicking debris out of the way. Earlier I had hit a stray road reflector which pulled my chair hard into the guardrail. And all along Celina was right behind me helping communicate to me what was going on behind me. I like when she’s close by.
Trying on some swag which may be a tad small.
We made it to our exit and got off the highway safe and the team breathed a sigh of relief. We loaded up into Quadyssey and headed to our hotel in Garberville. Today I accomplished a lifetime goal of mine, which was to spend a birthday in Garberville. It was pretty tight. After taking care of some business we opened some beers, ordered some food and had a wonderful evening as a team laughing and giving each other crap in the best way possible. Jimmy always gets a little more crap than the rest, but he deserves it, and he knows it. I really enjoy these moments surrounded by this great team and realize how many wonderful people I have in my life.